Adolescent Program (Grades 7-8)

The Adolescent Program integrates rigorous academic studies with purposeful work, preparing teenagers to become contributing adult citizens who are self-confident and possess skills needed to thrive in society.

The program works with the developmental essence of adolescents to help them live full, vital lives. In addition, the program offers thoughtful environments and experienced teachers attuned to these needs, safeguarding the young learners’ well being while preparing them for adulthood. It is characterized by a student-centered approach that enables students to manage time, exercise choice, organize themselves, and practice self-regulation within a group context. This development of independent self-management is crucial to succeeding in higher education and adulthood.

Montessori Secondary programs are rooted in hands-on, experiential learning. Your adolescent may have an opportunity to start a business, complete with developing a business plan and securing funding, or work as an apprentice to an expert in a field she loves.

The Montessori Secondary program also includes advanced courses in language arts, mathematics, sciences, and social studies that are academically challenging. Ultimately, the programs support each student in finding a place in the community and in becoming a respectful, responsible, and ethical contributor to society.

Isn’t this exactly what you want for your child’s teenage years?

Adolescent environments are based on the following key principles:

Personal Dignity

They treat each other with respect and are comfortable with the knowledge that each person has different strengths and challenges. Students are expected to bring a high level of independence and self direction, a comfort with collaborative work, and a love of learning for learning’s sake. Montessori adolescents continue to learn without letter grades or gold stars. Conversations with the teachers and written remarks on papers compliment the most important barometer of success: the student’s own knowledge that he has put forth his best effort.


The positive sense of belonging is nurtured through weekly council meetings run by the students, responsibilities that adequately match the capabilities of the adolescent, and through work that has a clear purpose. In response to their stronger need for belonging and a growing ability to collaborate within a large group, the adolescents have a schedule to the day and work within the same curriculum area at the same time. Each person is expected to contribute his best efforts to the topic or task at hand.

Social Justice

While traditional education often teaches facts that are isolated from life outside the classroom, the Montessori adolescent program offers lessons with practical applications that allow students to make improvements in that community. “What will I use this for?” is an often-asked question of the adolescent. The adolescents work side-by-side with an increased number of adults, to engage in the immediate needs of the community: chores of dishwashing and sweeping, weeding the garden, feeding the animals, doing volunteer work at the neighborhood shelter, writing letters to representatives, etc.

The following curriculum areas are offered in the Montessori middle school environment:

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