In the modern era where education paves the way for success, The Way Of The Shepherd Catholic Montessori School aims to achieve the goal of providing education to children of all manner. Our school is on par with the most highly reputable schools and to continue our direction we need the help of donors and sponsors, as we believe education is the right of every individual, but not every individual can bear the expenses of education.
With your donations we will be able to carry this dream to the next level by providing a better environment to the children, bearing all the expenses of successfully running the school. We invite you to become a donor or a sponsor and to partner with us and join hands with us on this venture towards success.
The Way Of The Shepherd Catholic Montessori School, a school where children strengthen their Catholic faith and are able to embark on new careers and ideas elevating them to unimaginable heights of success that will play a major role in the betterment of the society, we don’t want these visions to be left unachieved. Help us to build this dream by donating or becoming a sponsor.

Annual Appeal:
The Way of the Shepherd Catholic Montessori School Annual Appeal is the school’s yearly giving campaign that begins on November 13th, the feast day of our Patroness, Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini and ends on the last day of the fiscal year, June 30th. It is an organized and intentional campaign to establish an annual support base for the school. Every direct donation contributed to The Way of the Shepherd is considered part of the Annual Appeal campaign. In this way, we can stay in communication with our friends and supporters with the hope that they will continue to be part of our mission each year. It is the small annual donation, not the large one-time donation, that establishes the support base that we need to build a solid financial foundation in order to realize the dreams and vision we have for our school. We want everyone to be a part of this vision!
FAQ Click Here
Why does The Way of the Shepherd have an Annual Appeal Campaign?
A fundamental goal of the school founders was to keep tuition affordable, allowing any family access to the Montessori model of Catholic education. In the early developing years, The Way of the Shepherd created a plan to keep tuition comparable with other Catholic schools and much lower than surrounding Montessori schools. Many dedicated school families volunteer their time and resources in partnership with other generous donors to continue to achieve this goal. If you are able, we encourage you to help us in our commitment to keep Catholic Montessori accessible by making a contribution to our Annual Appeal.
What does this mean for parents and families?
We know our parents and families support us in many ways. THANK YOU! The Annual Appeal is an important way of keeping former families, donors, board members, and alum connected to the school and its mission. Therefore, all we ask of you is participation. Data speaks! When we have 100% participation in the Annual Appeal, we are telling a wonderful story. “Look! All of our families support the Annual Appeal each year. Will you consider doing the same?”
Why do we have an Annual Appeal?
Currently, tuition is only funding about 70% of the school budget. The Annual Appeal helps us to bridge the gap between the cost of educating a student at The Way of the Shepherd and our tuition. With increased commitment to the Annual Appeal giving campaign, we can avoid endless fundraisers . Every donation is tax deductible and goes right into our operating budget. We hope that you will join us in this pursuit!
How can I make my annual gift?
Thank you for thinking of us for your annual giving! To make an online contribution, you can simply click on the “Donate” button to pay online via Pay Pal. You can also call the front office at 763-862-9110 to make a gift by credit card or to inquire about a stock transfer. You can also mail donations to 13200 Central Avenue NE, Blaine, MN 55434 or drop off your donation and stay for a tour or a visit!

The Way of the Shepherd welcomes donations at any time. You may mail your donation to our school and we will send you a tax donation form, or you may send money online through our PayPal account. Please know that any amount you can give is greatly appreciated by our staff, parents, and children.
Online Donations
Mail-In Donations
You can drop off your donations or mail donations to:
13200 Central Avenue NE, Blaine, MN 55434

Amazon Smile:
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support The Way of the Shepherd every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to The Way of the Shepherd – it’s that simple!
Signing Up is Easy! Follow those steps to register:
- Go to our WOS Amazon signup link:
- Sign in to Amazon with your username and password.
- Shop away!
- Feel good knowing that you are supporting The Way of the Shepherd every time you shop on Amazon!
To continue to support The Way of the Shepherd, remember to start your Amazon shopping from, or install the extensions for Firefox or Chrome to automatically redirect you to Amazon Smile any time you shop at Amazon. CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION