Hiking and the Story of Life

On Friday, September 7th, nine middle schools students ventured into Bunker Park for a quest of learning. They read maps, noticed cattails, leaves, grasshoppers, and types of trees and they also noticed a big chart sticking out of their guide’s backpack.

After voyaging to a shelter to eat their rations for lunch, their guide told them it was time to unroll the chart. They sat at a long table, all facing her as she told them a very special story. The story told about how life developed on planet earth – how it began, how it changed, how it was nurtured and grew. The story told about the different eras and different ways each species adapted to the environment. The story ended on the last mammal that needs its own story to tell: the human.

After hearing the story and filling their eyes and minds with wonder, the adolescents ventured to collect specimens for research: butterflies, caterpillars, leaves, rocks, cattails, flowers, grasshoppers, and the like all came home with the adolescents, clutched in their hands or stuffed in their pockets. 

​As they left Bunker, one student said, “What a great day, I can’t believe we get to do things like this at this school!”

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