The Cenacle

The Cenacle or Upper Room is the traditional way of referring to the location in which the Last Supper took place in the City of Jerusalem. In the Atrium, children as young as three are introduced to the feast of Passover as a special celebration in which the Jewish people eat the same foods and pray the same prayers every year. The Last Supper follows this tradition, but during it Jesus prays new prayers that had never been prayed before. While the apostles had never heard these new words of Jesus, “This is my Body…This is my Blood,” we have! And we know what they mean! He is really with us when His Body and Blood are with us. What a gift!

In working with the Cenacle, children ages three to six have shared the following…

  • “Thank you for the Light. Thank you for raising the Light for us.” (4)
  • “Thank you for giving us our lives, our hearts, and all that love. Thank you for giving us peace.” (5)
  • “We could say we really love Him.” “We could say we really, really, really want to hug Him!” (4)
  • “Jesus died and he raised and He made all the people have life!” (4)
  • “Jesus died and then He had a lot of risen life.” (3)
  • “Maybe they will eat another feast and one of them will pretend to be Jesus.” (3)
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