The History of the Kingdom of God

In the past few weeks there have been many “History of the Kingdom of God” materials in use. In addition, the children have had opportunities to list what they think about when they hear that phrase. The following is the brainstorming they were able to do after which they identified each statement as belonging to the moments of Creation (C), Redemption (R) and/or Parousia (P).
4th Grade:
(C) Plants.

(P) No darkness.
(C) Animals.
(P) No sickness.
(P) No fighting.
(P) Enjoying everything.
(P) Always kindness.
(R) Churches.
(P) No allergies.
(P) No sloppiness.
(R/P) Natural people. (When questioned this was identified as “without sin.”)
(C) Food.
(C) Planets.
(C) Water.
(R) Cross.
(R) Star.
(R) Jesus.
(C/R/P) God.

5th and 6th Grade:
(P) God will be all in all; His Kingdom will have no end.
(R) Jesus died and rose again before Pentecost.
(C) Esther who offered her life to save her people.
(R/P) It is like a mustard seed.
(R) The Blank Page.
(C) Adam & Eve are the first humans. They chose to sin.
(C) The shoot of Jesse leads from Adam & Eve to Jesus.
(C) Joseph and his brothers; Joseph gave them mercy.
(P) The Ten Bridesmaids: Be prepared for heaven!
(R) Christmas: Jesus’ birth.
(R) Easter: Jesus rose on the third day. He unlocked the gates of heaven.
(R/P) Vertical (heaven and earth) and Horizontal (others) Communion.
(R/P) Mass: Communion: food for the journey to heaven.
(R) The Sacraments: Baptism (joining the sheepfold), etc.





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