Important Note About Excessive AbsencesThe average student in the state of Minnesota misses a total of seven (7) days, excused and/or unexcused, in a school year. Students who miss more than seven days, whether they are excused or unexcused, are considered excessively absent. When absences become excessive for any reason, parents may be contacted. The school is the arbiter of whether the absence is excused or unexcused. Medical, legal or other professional verification for future absences may be required to excuse the student from school.DirectionsPlease complete this form for any absences (Full Day or Partial Day) of your child(ren) due to illness, medical appointment, vacation, etc. If the absence will cover multiple days, please make note in the comments box at the end. NOTE: You must complete one form for each child’s absence.Student's Name:* First Last Student's Current Environment*CH – SackCH – JohnsonE1 – HornquistE2 – Schulzetenberg/MuellerA1 – KavanaughParent's Name* First Last Email* Phone*Date Of Absence* MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of Day for Absence* All Day Late Arrival Early Release Time Range of AbsenceFor example: “All Day” or “Release at 10:00 for appointment” or “Appointment from 10:00 – 11:30” or “Early appointment, should arrive at 9:00”Is the Absence Illness Related*(Ex. fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) Yes No Illness SymptomsThe school district is required by law to track and report illness to the Minnesota Department of Health. Please provide the following information regarding your child’s illness.Illness Symptoms*Please check all symptoms that apply. Fever greater than 100° Cough Sore Throat Vomiting Diarrhea Other Other Symptoms:Has your child been diagnosed with a particular illness?* Yes No What illness was you child diagnosed with?Non-Illness AbsencePlease provide the following information regarding your child’s absence. Family Emergency (excused) Such absences include a serious illness in the student’s immediate family, death in the student’s immediate family, close friend, or relative, or physical emergency (fire, flood, storm, etc.). Vacation (excused) The school administration understands that there are exceptional circumstances which require families to take a vacation during the school year. However, if family vacations can be scheduled to correspond with school breaks, it would benefit both the student and the school. High School Visit Day (excused) High School Visits are an important part of selecting the high school which will best suit students’ needs or interests. Whenever possible, visits should be arranged on days when WOS classes are not in session. Overslept (unexcused) Oversleeping is not an excused absence!Please check the reason for this absence* Dental appointment (excused) Medical Appointment (Excused) Family Emergency (excused) Funeral (excused) High School Visit (excused) Missed Bus (unexcused) Religious Holiday (excused) Slept In (unexcused) Vacation (excused) CommentsPlease include any additional comments that our staff should know about your child’s absence. These will be kept in confidence and shared only with those who need to know.CAPTCHA