
Holy, Holy, Holy

This week we have been pondering “Holiness” and what it means to be holy. When the 3-6 year old children were asked to name something that is holy, they responded… – The Tabernacle – The Tomb – The priest – The chalice – Mary – The Holy Family – The Holy Spirit – The Easter Candle […]

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The Sunday Gospel

This year the Upper Elementary (4th – 6th grade) children have been tasked with finding, reading, and summarizing the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel each week. I have already heard some interesting discussions amongst the children regarding their thoughts on the “theme” or point Jesus was trying to make in a particular parable or teaching! In addition,

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Encountering the Word of God

Having received their Bibles, the elementary children have been enjoying looking up specific passages and marking them for later reference. Their enthusiasm led to a second conversation about care for God’s Word…because, in their excitement, the spines of their Holy Bibles were being stretched to accommodate all of their bookmarks! We decided that a maximum

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Gourds, Fatima, Helfulness

We had some really lovely days this week. After visiting a pumpkin patch, I was inspired to pick up some gourds for our environment. Each child got to choose a gourd to wash, scrub, and take home! It was so fun to see how excited the children were over this simple work. Our goal was

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Occupations in A1

A unique part of the Adolescent classroom is the focus on practical life skills of a more advanced kind. As of yet, the Adolescents had a concentrated time of learning practical life skills at the Erdkinder trip, but they have also greatly enjoyed our past occupational unit of baking. Under the tutelage of Mrs. Madonna

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The Kingdom of God

As the Upper Elementary children begin their new year in the Atrium, we always take time to start with the Great Lesson of the Plan of God. This “lesson” presents the “big picture” of God’s interaction with humanity from preparing the earth for us to preparing a place for us to desire and long for

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Peak of the Day

The children seem to be settling into the routine of school and that is truly wonderful to observe. We are making progress every day. We are still working on many grace and courtesy lessons such as how to push in your chair, how to put work away, how to say “excuse me,” and how to

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All Together

God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He’s so good to me. ​This is a song we have been singing all week. We have been praising God for all of the wonderful blessings he has given us and continues to give us. ​One particular blessing He has given us is

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